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Alban, reminiscent of Medieval Britain, boasts a temperate climate with mild weather throughout the year, occasionally punctuated by harsh winters that bring snowfall. Its picturesque landscapes are characterized by lush greenery, abundant vegetation, thriving livestock, and fertile farmlands.


Trade in Alban revolves around a diverse array of natural resources. The kingdom specializes in the exchange of various types of vegetation, including fruits and crops. The coastal location also enables a thriving fish trade, while the countryside teems with livestock such as cows and sheep, contributing to the kingdom's agricultural prosperity.


Alban holds a strict code of chivalry and honor, with knights and nobles embodying these virtues. The knights are the protectors of the realm, valiantly defending their kingdom and upholding the principles of justice. The royal family is deeply respected, and the people have a strong sense of loyalty towards their rulers.


It is a patriarchal society, were woman have few rights, they are not allowed to own land, and all land and titles are passed to the eldest son, if no living sons, the daughters will still be bypassed and it will be given to the nearest male relative. Woman are not allowed to become Knights or get involved in war except if they have medical skills. Woman are allowed become counsel members to the crown, but that is at the discretion of the King and is usually frowned upon. 


The kingdom's symbol is a majestic lion, symbolizing strength, courage, and nobility. Alban's motto is "Honour and Loyalty," which reflects the core values cherished by its people.


Religion/Faith: Religion/Faith: They venerate the Celtic gods of their forefathers and respect the ways of the Druids.


Languages Spoken: Brythonic, (An old Celtic language)


They also speak the old language of their ancestors, "Liand " (which would be equivalent to English) not only in respect to their ancestors but also so they could have a way of communicating with the people of Norveg & Latium, The Liand was the old language spoke across all of the lands of Liandra before it divided in 3. 

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