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Conquest - The Lore


A thousand years ago, a vast and enchanting realm known as Liandra encompassed the magnificent Latium, the bountiful Alban, and the thriving Norveg. These lands formed a unified country, a majestic tapestry of diversity and unity, all under the rule of a single benevolent kingdom. Spanning a vast expanse, this landmass boasted the tranquil Latium in the southern reaches, the resilient Norveg in the north, and the bustling Alban nestled within their heart.


For countless years, peace adorned the land, its inhabitants relishing in the harmony that flourished. Yet, as the inexorable wheels of fate turned, a tempest brewed in the depths of Liandra, sowed by a treacherous blend of betrayal, greed, and insatiable ambition. The seeds of discord took root, and brother turned against brother, plunging the realm into a devastating civil war. Lives were shattered, blood stained the soil, and the very foundations of Liandra trembled under the weight of conflict.


After enduring unspeakable turmoil, the warring factions eventually sought common ground, driven by the realization that continued strife would only lead to their collective demise. An accord was reached—a pact that would forever shape the destiny of Liandra. They agreed to partition the land into three distinct kingdoms, each with its own governance, laws, and customs. To ensure a degree of separation and foster diplomacy, a strip of land, aptly named the "No Man's Lands," stretched twenty miles between each kingdom, serving as a buffer zone and a conduit for inter-kingdom trade.


As time unfurled its tapestry, the kingdoms of Liandra thrived in their newfound independence. Over the centuries, they evolved independently, embracing diverse traditions, religions, and even physical appearances. The once-unified land had transformed into a mosaic of unique identities, each kingdom boasting its own rich tapestry of culture, architecture, and beliefs.


This delicate balance endured for generations, a testament to the resilience of Liandra's people. However, in the year 452 AD, the realm was shaken to its core by a pivotal event—when Latium, in a fit of righteous anger, declared war on Alban. The cause of this conflict lay in a grave accusation hurled at King Arnold of Alban, accused of murdering the youngest sister of Latium's Empress. The fragile peace that had so carefully been nurtured threatened to unravel, as the drums of war echoed across the land, filling the hearts of its inhabitants with dread.


In the face of this impending conflict, the fate of Liandra hung in the balance. The kingdoms stood poised on the precipice of a cataclysmic clash that would test their mettle and reshape their destinies once again.

During this time Norveg refused to be drawn into the war, by declaring no fealty to either side.They stood as a neutral power, their allegiance carefully guarded. However, unbeknownst to the warring factions, Norveg had covertly embarked on a clandestine trade of their own, shrouded in secrecy.


Behind the scenes, the resourceful Norvegs established a thriving network of commerce, dealing in arms forged from the finest steel and honed with exceptional craftsmanship. While Latium and Alban were preoccupied with their own animosity, Norveg quietly brokered deals, leveraging the strategic value of their geographic position. They skillfully bartered with Latium, for precious jewels and opulent riches that adorned their lands, while simultaneously striking agreements with Alban, exchanging weapons for vital supplies of animals and bountiful food stocks.


Yet, Norvegs' shrewdest move was not merely the exchange of goods but the forging of alliances through marital bonds. Recognizing the significance of securing their people's future, the Norvegs orchestrated unions with the royal lineages of both Latium and Alban. Through these carefully arranged marriages, Norveg skillfully wove themselves into the intricate tapestry of the kingdoms, ensuring their own safety and prosperity.




By 462 AD, after many years  of strife, the  War reached its end, with both sides agreeing to a truce. The terms of the truce stipulated that the future heir of each throne would be wedded, fostering unity between the kingdoms and paving the way for lasting peace. This marked the inception of a new alliance between the royal families. 


Fast forward to the year 502 AD, Empress SeaAnna of Latium was found dead in her bed. The presence of blood on her lips and traces of poison in an empty goblet nearby indicated foul play.


As Latium mourned the loss of Empress SeaAnna and attempted to unravel the mystery of her death, tensions rose within the kingdoms.  Unrest ripples through all 3 domains, fueled by rumors and whispers.


In Latium, a tradition known as the "mos maiorum" festival is observed, held one month after a person's passing to commemorate their life and the journey of their soul to the Heavens. The celebration takes on even greater significance than the funeral itself, drawing people from neighboring lands such as Alban and Norveg. All nobles, royals, and commoners are extended an invitation to participate in this grand event, honoring the life of SeaAnna.


Winter 502AD: The War of The Heirs


Emperor Brenwith Dunbarrion, was struck down with a bad case of Malaria, he fought it bravely, for a full month, before the Maestors called the family to his bedside, it was time to say goodbye.


His son and heir Drakeon, alongside his wife ingrid, Titus and Alcarnio his brothers, Lelusa his niece, all witnessed the emperors final words.  He declared Titus his succesor over his son, claiming his son was not ready to be emperor.  There was no denying  the last  words of the emperor, there was numerous witnesses . What seem to be accepted at first, as all where in the grasp of grief.  After some days the reality of it all fell on Drakeon, as he grasped, he would now never be emperor, what he had been groomed for all his life, he was devastated, and felt betrayed and humiliated  by his father.   Slowly he started to believe the malicious rumours that circled, that Titus had somehow manipulated the feverish dying emperor and convinced him to make him emperor upon his death.


Gradually heated arguments broke out between the family, brother turned on brother. It started to split in two, some believing Drakeon, some believing Titus, eventually leading to a full blown civil war.  Drakeon returned to his wife's Ingrids home in Norveg.  King Ivar of Norveg, was a man of his word, and when he found out word had been broken, he felt dishonoured.  His daughter  Ingrid had been betrothed to Drakeon, since she was an infant, on the agreement she would one day be empress alongside Drakeon as emperor.  Ivar wasted no time in marshalling his forces, his banners unfurled in righteous indignation as he declared war upon Latium.


The war continued for many months, although the people of  Latium fought Valiantly, they were heavily defeated. Half their own army had sided with Drakeon, now alongisde King Ivar and his army from Norveg.  


Ivar dispatched a message to his sister, Liv Dunbarrion, the wife of Titus, offering her safe passage if she chose to abandon her husband and return to Norveg. However, she steadfastly refused, proclaiming that she would rather meet her end beside Titus than betray him. True to her word, she remained by his side until her last breath, as the war drew to a close.


Queen Nylaria of Alban stood behind her nephew, Drakeon, in his time of turmoil, yet she could not bring herself to endorse the war. With a somber heart, she and her husband made the solemn declaration that they would not take sides in the conflict between Latium and Norveg. They chose to keep their people out of harm's way. However, despite their neutrality, Queen Nylaria opened the doors of Alban to any refugees fleeing the devastation of Latium, extending her hand in hospitality and providing a sanctuary of safety for those in need.


As the war drew to a close, the once-proud nation of Latium lay in ruins. Its magnificent buildings, symbols of its former glory, now stood as shattered remnants of a bygone era, ravaged by the chaos of conflict. The struggles of battle had left its mark, with structures torn asunder and stripped bare of their riches, the spoils of war claimed by victors and looters alike. Those who remained within Latium's borders faced a grim fate, as many fell victim to the violence or were forced into enslavement by conquerors seeking to assert their dominance. And as a final indignity, the conquerors salted the land, rendering it barren and infertile, a desolate wasteland devoid of life. Thus, the once-mighty empire of Latium was reduced to naught but rubble and dust, its legacy fading into the annals of history.



Fore more information about the years in-between, check out timelines


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